Thursday, September 01, 2005

I've been Tagged.....again.

Thanks again Kristen!!

7 Things to do before I die:

* Have at least one more baby (the answer is no Holly)
* Watch all of my children grow in their relationship in the Lord, and someday give their life to Him
* Travel to Europe
* Go skydiving
* Go to the Oprah show
* Go scuba diving
* Spend a summer doing mission work.

7 Things I can do:

* type 75 words per minute
* Dance to veggie-tales music just the way Kaitlyn wants me to
* play basketball
* easily take a 3 hour nap on a Sunday afternoon (when the opportunity presents itself)
* read People magazine cover to cover every Friday
* Love Kaitlyn with my entire heart no matter what she does or will ever do
* wear my hair curly or straight

7 Things I can't do:

* Touch my toes while keeping my legs straight
* eat meatloaf
* Math. Of any kind
* Sew
* Watch Seinfeld or The Simpsons. Those are two of the most annoying shows ever.
* Stay in a bad mood when Kaitlyn and James do things to make me laugh
* Stop watching hurricane coverage.

7 Things that attract me to the opposite sex.
I will just say things that attract me to James:

* His big, blue eyes
* The way he plays with Kaitlyn
* His love for God, his family and his friends
* His height! I can wear any shoes I want and still be shorter than him.
* His sense of humor. He can make anyone laugh.
* His prayers.
* His desire to support and lead our family.

7 Things I say most often:

* "Admissions, this is Leslie"
* "Do you need to go potty?"
* "I love you"
* "Did you have a good day?"
* "Nice." (Sarcastic tone)
* "Are you serious?" Kaitlyn says this one quite often as well.
* "No." I feel like I say that WAY too much.

7 Celebrity Crushes:

* Michael Vartan
* Topher Grace
* Vince Vaughn
I can't think of any more!

7 People I want to do my list:

Sara W.
Sara H.

Have fun!


Kristen OQ said...

I can't type at all -- I still hunt and peck when I blog (how sad is that). I can't stand to watch the Simpsons either (or any other prime-time cartoon for that matter). And I read People magazine every Friday cover to cover too!

Erica said...

I too want to go to Oprah!! I forgot that one. We tried to get tickets when she came to Dallas but no luck. Also I love my People magazine. Have a great weekend!

hollyfouts said...

I am honored to have made the first line of your blog--You knew I would have to ask.
And what about "Whatever"? Lane and I still say that all the time and think of you.

hollyfouts said...

and "I'm so sure."

Becky Martin said...

I have to say that I've started reading People now that I work at the gym. I have lots of time when I'm by myself to read all the magazines I can handle (and the latest People is one of the first I look for).

hejlyeah said...

Dang, I've been tagged. Check the blog later! Mmmm ... Michael Vartan ...