Thursday, August 09, 2007

No Rest for the Weary

But, we've had a fun few days! My niece and nephew (James' sister's kids) stayed the past 5 days with us. Their Dad is stationed in Iraq and their mom was enjoying a week of vacation. Kaitlyn had a BLAST with Lofton and Graham here for an extended "sleepover." We did lots of fun things including, Chuck E Cheese, "Underdog" at the movies, trips to the park, swimming at friend's houses, a water balloon fight, playing on the Slip n Slide, lots of games, and ending our time together with a trip to the new water park in Eastland, Texas. This is a really fun water park by the way. It was just their standard city pool, but some rich guy donated a ton of money to upgrade it. It now has lots of little slides, an awesome toddler area, and even a big slide that goes into the deep end. The kids had an absolute blast. They could have stayed there all day. The best part is, it only cost $1 for kids and $2 for adults. And you can bring your own food and drinks. I will for sure be taking Kaitlyn back a few more times before summer is over. The drive (right at an hour) isn't too bad - especially if you plan on spending the day out there.

Baby News:
Still feeling pregnant. I'm 16 weeks now. We won't know boy/girl until September 10th. My guess is a boy. Not sure why, just have a feeling. I do have what's called Pregnancy Induced Hypo-Thyroidism. Not quite sure what that is, other than my hormones are completely out of whack, I'm really lethargic, and I have to take a pill every day. This would explain why I had a complete and total break down at 11:30 the other night when I wanted to re-arrange my entire house and James wasn't up for it. I'm ready for things to stabilize to say the least!
Our air conditioner went out today. It's currently 84 degrees in our house and steadily climbing. Fortunately, the guys are out looking at it now. This is another reason that I like renting. This is the 3rd time this summer that we have had to have someone out to look at it. And we haven't had to spend a dime.


Anonymous said...

I am so pumped about that waterpark! I want to go that weird?
Also, Cora's 2 teeth are the cutest thing EVER! Kaitlyn is getting so big...oh my gosh. I can't wait to come see them!!!! See you soon. Love you!!

Erica said...

I have been checking daily for a gender update on your new addition. I suppose I will have to wait a little longer:)

Thanks for the post on the waterpark. The girls and I may have to check that out soon. You are such a cool Mom and Aunt:)

Anonymous said...

That waterpark looks awesome- how incredible that some man donated all the money to fund it. Your girls are so adorable- Cora is growing so fast! Can't wait for you to find out boy/girl.....and please tell James we would love to see him when he comes to VA in Sept- we'll work out details as it gets closer. Have a great weekend!

Wendy said...

I had no idea about that Eastland water park! I must go!

Cora looks like she has so much personality these days. Love the smiley pics of her.

Kara said...

you are so brave to spend a week with 4 kids, but it looks like you did a great job of packing it full of great activities! i want to go to that water park too- who knew Eastland would have something that cool?!?!

Ashley said...

I hope your pregnancy gets easier and easier. i am sure that is draining.

Your girls are so very precious!

MereMoore said...

sweet water park-i love it! that looks so fun. ok-cora is SOOO photogenic-seriously-her whole face smiles and is so cute-kaitlyn looks too old!! :) hope the AC is fixed!

Shanta said...

Cora is so fired up about everything! I love her enthusiastic smiles in every photo. What a doll. I'm waiting for the big reveal on Sept 10! I didn't realize we were so close. We're finding out on Sept 7!

Love you homes,

hejlyeah said...

Those pictures are so great! Looks like you guys had an awesome time. Call me soon!