These are the blogs that totally stress me out. I feel like we've done a lot since I last posted, but I can't remember anything! But, I feel like I have an obligation to my three faithful readers to post something. So, I guess I'll just cop out and go down the list of family members....
She is doing great in PreK. She is reading and writing better every day. I believe that she has a strong passion for learning. I hope that continues as she gets older. Her teachers asked her to have a speaking part in their program in May. She initially said that she didn't want to do it. But she had the 4 line part memorized in like 10 minutes. A little Cold Stone Creamery bribery, and I bet she'll do just fine in the program. She is still playing soccer and doing well. She had 5 goals in the game on Saturday. This is the first season that I have noticed her being considerably taller than the girls on her team. My first baby girl is growing up way too fast. Kindergarten registration is May 10th. W.O.W. The girls is in love with coloring. She has so many coloring books and colors for at least an hour every day. She has to color with markers though. I'm not sure why. She says that she is hungry every second of the day. This drives me insane. She has a loose tooth! Her front left tooth is definitely wiggling around. She has been asking me lately when she will lose a tooth. I told her probably not until she is 6 years old or so. This happened a little earlier than expected. Until... I heard her talking to my mom on the phone and she told her that she fell and hit her tooth on her knee and knocked it loose. I called the dentist to make sure we didn't need to take her in. He said that it would probably just set itself back in there. I can't stop her from wiggling it though. So it may come out sooner than later. It's so funny to imagine her with no front tooth!
Oh, Cora.. Cora.. Cora. This girl keeps us laughing. She is the sweetest, squishiest, most fun little thing in the world. She loves her sisters. If either of them get upset or start crying for any reason, Cora will run to them and give them a kiss. She calls Kaitlyn "sissy" and Claire "baby". We're working on their real names though. Cora is a BIG girl (weighing in at 32 pounds) and she can hold her own! She likes to play rough with Kaitlyn and her Daddy. She thinks it's so funny if one of them are laying on ther floor, she will walk backwards and sit - plop down - right on them. On their face usually. If anyone around her is laughing, she will start laughing. With her mouth WIDE open. She loves to dance. She loves being outside. Especially in her swing. She loves bubbles. And baths. She is getting much better about eating. She has now added grapes, strawberries, chicken nuggets, lazagne, green beans, bread, mac and cheese, and french fries to her menu. Oh -and jello. She can put away some jello. She can scream really loud. She rarely says yes. "No" means yes to her. She still won't drink milk out of a sippy cup. Only a bottle. She has the biggest blue eyes ever and I love them. She loves to give kisses and I love that too.
She will be 3 months old on Thursday. Crazy. She is soooo chill. She is a very serious baby. You have to really act stupid to get her to smile. Her cheeks are getting bigger and bigger. They just sag down, it's hilarious. She looks like a little bit of everyone. She has Cora's blue eyes, but Kaitlyn's eye shape. She has more red hair and looks a lot like my baby pictures. She has a long face like James. She's a cute one! She has rolled over once from her tummy to her back, and once the other way. But she doesn't seem interested in doing it often. She spits up ALL the time. She sleeps all the time as well. I'm not complaining too much about this. We put her to bed around 8 or 8:30 and she'll sleep until 8 or 8:30. She still sleeps all the time during the day too. I love when she is awake though. She just seems to soak everything in. Her hands are always up by her mouth. She will suck on a paci, but she ususally knocks it out and sticks her hand in her mouth instead. She likes to cuddle. I don't have a lot of time to do this, but I cherish the times that I do. She's my baby girl!!!
Still enjoying his job at the ARN. He's doing well and coming up with lots of neat ideas for the paper. He is also playing softball right now with a bunch of guys from church. The "Highland God Helpers." Or HGH, as they call themselves. You sports buff's should know what HGH is. They think they are pretty funny. Last night was their 3rd game. They could have been 3-0, but some guy on the other team broke his knee cap. They had to call an ambulance and everything, so they didn't get to finish the game. Pretty exciting stuff. He's also been running some. He is planning on running in his first 5K in a couple of weeks. Go James! I hear his fantasy baseball team isn't doing so bad either...
I'm just trying to keep it all together. Every day presents new challenges. I love raising three girls and I'm doing my best to do a good job. I have great girl friends that keep me going and a good husband that encourages me. (Most of the time!) I'm getting ready for a garage sale at my house this weekend. That should be interesting! I'm looking forward to cleaning out a bunch of stuff and hopefully making some extra cash while I'm at it. Thanks to my good friend Abbey, I'm beginning to study a couple of books with hopes of getting into Medical Transcriptioning. I am looking at doing this at home part time - if it all works out. The books seem pretty interesting, and it's always good to learn something new!
Here's a few pictures to end this way long post!
Just a little bit of light reading....
loved the update! claire's cheeks are too cute!
What sweet girls you have. I still can't believe you have THREE! What great friends they will be! They are all precious. Good luck at your GS, I hope you make lots of money!
i love all the Mayos!! the pics are fabulous, i miss your babies. I'm sorry this semester has been so crazy and I don't come over as often as I want to!
I so can't wait for the Lake!
Ok, I am going to have to make an Abilene trip soon. Three girls...when did that happen??? It's gone by so fast (says the girl who didn't give birth to all three or isn't raising them)!!!
Ryan weighs 27 and I was just thinking he was a chunker!!! Unfortunately for him, as I am sure is not the case with your girls, he is also in the short end of the growth charts which is what I think makes him look so chunky.
I think they are all beautiful and wish I could see all yall!!
Hey girl. Thanks for the invite to the garage sale. I would totally love to join yours and alleviate the stress of holding my own; however we already have more stuff than our garage will hold so I think it's inevitable that we have our own. Thanks for thinking of me though!
so adorable. I'm wondering if we should start an over/under of when Kaitlyn (Or Cora) for that matter, out grows me!
I love hearing about your three girls...they are all so cute! I know you are doing a great job raising them!
cute girls! i can't believe how grown up Kaitlyn is. Hearing about all she is doing at PreK reminds me how big she is. Cora is a cute little chunk! She out weighs Chase! Can't wait to meet Claire! :)
Leslie - I'd like to know more about the medical transcrip. Someone mentioned this might be something I could do for extra money, but I don't know where to get started! Any tips would be much appreciated!
when am i going to be good enough to make the list of blogs you read? i'll come over later today. i'm going to organize first
Loved the update on your sweet family! The girls are getting so big.
Can you believe we are ready to have kids in Kindergarten?
Not sure why my comment didn't show up as me...crazy blogger!
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