I wish it was still Saturday!! Or Sunday even. Anything but Monday. My hair looks nasty, I'm so tired, and I totally need to go home and re-think my clothing. But, I had a fabulous weekend!
Friday after work I went to Body Step - I haven't done that class in forever. It was good to be back! It was wonderful, except for the part that my friend next to me totally passed out. That was scary. I guess that's what happens when you work out while having PNEUMONIA!! Crazy girl. But, she's okay.... a little embarrassed, but okay. Friday night we just stayed home and enjoyed doing nothing! We just had sandwiches for dinner and called it a night.
Saturday morning we took Kaitlyn to Wal-mart to spend her Valentine's Day money from her Grandparents. She picked out a Dora jump rope, a Cinderella/Belle pillow case, and a Tweety bird Pez dispenser. Cheap toys are her favorite I'm afraid! She will only sleep on the Cinderella side of the pillow. She thinks Cinderella has "chapped lips" because they are red.
After Wal-mart I was off for my 2 hours of pampering! I got to go cash in my gift certificate for an hour massage and facial. I've only had one massage before, and I've never had a facial. I loved every single minute of it! (Except for the eyebrow wax. That hurt a little!) When I left, I felt like I had been asleep for like 4 days. My voice even sounded like it does when I first wake up. What is up with that? Anyway, it was wonderful! Thanks James for such a great present!
Sunday afternoon was the Butterflies first soccer game of the season. It was pretty much sooo windy, but a lot of fun to see the girls back in action again. I made the mistake of letting Kaitlyn wear her jersey - she thought she could be out there with the team the whole time. But, we had a lot of fun. For a play by play of both games and some cute pictures, check out Erica's blog!
On the way home from the soccer game, I got pulled over. Nice. Kaitlyn was like, "HI!! What's going on? What's that little guy doing?" I swear, she said hi to the officer like 7 times, and he never said hi back! Oh well, I could have gotten like 4 different tickets (speeding, no seat belt, incorrect address on license), but he only gave me one for my inspection sticker being one month past due. Thank you!!!!!
Sunday was a great day at church... we found out that the Spring family retreat will be the last weekend of this month. We're so excited to go back! The place is beautiful, and Kaitlyn had an absolute blast. We are looking forward to making these retreats family traditions.
We got to see my parents on their way through town, and give my dad his birthday present. Kaitlyn had fun coloring, stamping and putting stickers on Pappy's card. She loves getting to see them so often!
Sunday night, our small group was finally able to meet again! I was so proud of Kaitlyn for sitting quietly for most of the time. For those of you that know our sweet Kaitlyn, she is not the "sit quietly" type of girl. But she did great.. worked on her puzzles and sticker books. She did sit next to our friend Eric for quite awhile. I think she has a little crush. And every time someone read a scripture, she would bow her head and fold her hands in her lap. I guess she thought we were praying. Bless her little heart.
I hope all of you had a fun weekend! Have a good week!