Monday, May 19, 2008

This post took me 2 hours, so see ya next year when I decide to post again...

It's been too, too long. I even had to get James to help me remember things that have happened since the last time I posted. So, here is a basic rundown of the things that have gone on around the Mayo home....

James ran his first 5K!! He ran the whole thing and did a great job. Kaitlyn even ran the last few yards with him, and they crossed the finish line holding hands. It was pretty darn cute.

James also successfully hosted the 2008 Spotlight on Teachers. Teachers in Abilene (at all educational levels) are recognized by fellow teachers as being the best in their field. James organized a fun evening handing out awards, showing an entertaining video, and showing off his master "emcee" (or M.C. or however that word is spelled) skills. He made a lot of people laugh and did a great job. He is looking forward to hosting again next year.

Claire is 4 months old! W.O.W. She is CONSIDERABLY smaller than my other two girls. Let me rephrase that. She is equally as long (26 inches to be exact), but not as fat. She is 3 pounds less than Cora and Kaitlyn were at 4 months. However, she is still 16 pounds, and still in the 90th percentile. She is rolling over, smiling a lot more, blowing lots of spit bubbles, reaching for things, kicking the tar out of her kick and play bouncer, spitting up WAY too much,and she is not a fan of the Bumbo (which makes me sad). Her eyes are still blue and her hair still looks kind of red! She loves her sisters, but let's be honest... Cora kind of freaks her out. Her face has been sat on a few times. And Cora is 33 pounds of l.o.v.e.

We enjoyed a nice weekend in Lubbock for Mothers Day. I love spending weekends there. It's so relaxing. It used to be much more relaxing pre-kids, but it is so fun to see the girls playing in the backyard that I grew up in. We visited the Science museum with Kaitlyn, my Mom and I got pedicures and manicures, James and I got to go on a date - we went out to eat and saw "What Happens in Vegas" with the Bowmans (holla!) Very funny movie, we thought. It was a great weekend! For Mothers Day from the girls and James, I got a fun pair of running shorts, a watch and and Old Navy gift card. Thank you! It was a great weekend.

Kaitlyn and Cora finished up Young Children's World for the year. I actually cried when I picked them both up on their last day. What is wrong with me?! Kaitlyn had her end of the year program and she did GREAT! She even had a few lines that she said all by herself. She was front and center on stage and proud of it. That girl is full of drama I tell you. I don't have any pictures from that night - just lots of video... but I can't get that to post. Erica if you have those pics would you email them to me? :) However, I do have a picture from 50's day. I can't figure out how to rotate this picture, but it's worth it to turn your computer (or your head) around to see this. This picture completely sums up Kaitlyn. There are no words.

Cora is talking more and more all the time. Her most recent words that she has learned: keys, go, goin', shoes, juice (these sound very similar), sissy, baby, bible, bow, hi and bye (pronounced hi-eee/byeeee), night-night, and Shhh (she says this basically anytime she goes into her room b/c she thinks Claire is always asleep in there). I think she is cutting her fang teeth and she is NOT happy about it. I seriously thought something horrible had taken over her body this afternoon. All I could do was put her in her crib until she wore herself out. Bless her little heart. And what's the deal with blue eyes? Most of the time I can look into Kaitlyn's brown eyes and stay strong, but if Cora wants something, all she has to do is just look up at me and it's hers. Bad Mommy.

BIG NEWS!!! I have not bit my nails in 16 days!!!! I've even had 2 manicures to keep me on the right track. Maybe I have broke the habit for good. I can't even imagine. This has been a lifelong struggle people.

Also. Has anyone tried the new Orbitz Limited Edition Pomegranate gum? It's fabulous. Hurry and try it before it's gone!

I love ACU baseball games and I am very sad that they are over. It was so much fun to walk across the street and hang out with friends and watch a free game! Kaitlyn loves the freedom she has there, and Cora likes to just sit and actually watch the game. This is very exciting for James. Kaitlyn has also learned to successfully eat and spit sunflower seeds. That Kaitlyn. She makes us so proud.

And FINALLY...the girls and I had some fun pictures taken on Sunday. I just have to put a plug in here. My good friend Hannah Vickers (you can check her out on my links over there) is a photographer here in town. She is great! She had twins the same week that Claire was born. She has been doing photography for awhile, but is just now taking it on full time. If you are in the area and need some pictures - she's the one to call! Here are a few of my favorites. Keep in mind that Cora was not a happy girl. I don't think she was feeling too well. And she did have a matching bow, but refused to wear it. But I love these!


Cortni said...

Oh my goodness Leslie...those pictures are SO good! Your hair looks AWESOME!! I love love love it! And your girls are just too cute!

I had other things I was going to comment...but can't remember them. I was sidetracked by your cute pics!!

Let's see..
1. Way to go, James! (on the 5K and MC-ing the teacher awards. Will you come do ours??

2. Way to go, Leslie!! 16 days is HUGE!

3. I laughed out loud at the "Cora is 33 pounds of l.o.v.e.

hejlyeah said...

CONGRATS on the no biting fingernails thing. This is BIG!

The pics are SO ADORABLE!

Martha said...

Love, love the pictures!! and so happy to see you have posted again. I always look forward to reading another mommy of three's blog so please keep it up for me! You are looking great and I am very impressed that James did the 5k! I am a nail biter too so congrats on the 16 days!! blessings! M

Anonymous said...

such cute girls! I love your hair also. I can't believe how big Cora is....she is 3 pounds more than Miller (who is just over 3.5 years old!)

Jennifer K said...

Your girls are adorable. Love the pictures! It was good seeing you for a second at church. You are beautiful!

The Speck family said...

Love, love, love the pics- all three girls are so beautiful and perfectly unique. You look amazing as well and congrats to James on the 5k! Your commentaries always crack me up, especially the mental picture of Cora sitting on Claire's head- hilarious. Hugs to you, Kelly

Shanta said...

Cortni made my exact comments. Thank you.

Julie said...

You look super awesome for having 3 babies!!! You look super awesome period.

Those girls are gorgeous. I love those pictures. I hope to get to Abilene sometime soon and see yall.

They are going to have so much fun growing up together so close in age. Just hold onto something because I know they are going to keep life super fast at yalls house!

Kate said...

I'm so glad y'all come out and enjoy the baseball games! I LOVE the pictures of you and your girls. They turned out great!

The Potts Family said...

Those pictures are gorgeous!