Thursday, September 25, 2008


I have lots to post about, but no time. For now, just enjoy a sweet picture of my sweet girls that I took a couple of nights ago. I just love them.


Amy said...

Precious!! They're gonna be best friends forever!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they're all smiling at the same time! Kaitlyn left me a voicemail the other day and said she had "big news." I'm a terrible uncle and forgot to call her back. Any idea what the news was?

GPaty said...

Your babies are absolutely beautiful Leslie! I hope you blow this picture up, frame it, and put it somewhere special in your home. Thanks for sharing it!

Anonymous said...

o my goodness i miss y'all so much!! claire is starting to look exactly like kaitlyn. by the way hilarious story about cora in the email you sent me... i'll call you tomorrow!! i love you!

Anonymous said...

I love that pic of the girls~ you are going to have so much fun getting portraits of those beauties through the years!