Thursday, March 09, 2006

Totally random thoughts...

Can it be a little more windy outside today? K, thanks. Seriously. Why did I even brush my hair this morning?


I accidentally bought 5 pair of earrings from yesterday. Oops. I thought by clicking "continue" it was just going to tell me how much my total would be IF I did decide to purchase. But nooooooooo, somehow my credit card information was saved on there from a few months ago, and when I clicked "continue" it said, "Thank you for your purchase." YIKES!! I was so nervous to tell James. But, being the awesome husband he is, he didn't really get that upset. So now I'm really excited to get them! (And really, is $28 that bad for 5 pair of earrings plus shipping?)


Two words. Super Suppers. I know all of you Dallas girls are familiar with this place, but we just got one in Abilene. It's actually a couple from Highland that opened it. James was able to get them as an account! This place is awesome. They have a different menu each month, and you can go in and cook up to 12 meals. There are fun little kitchen areas, and all of the ingredients/supplies are there for you to use. So, because James has hooked these nice people up, they let him cook a couple of things for free! So, we had cream cheese chicken enchiladas, and some kind of braided bread with lots of delicious stuff inside of it. He did a good job!


I really love the people that I work with. I love that I work in a place where we can meet every Wednesday morning for a devotional. I love working in a place where people make me laugh on a regular basis. I love talking to high school students that are so excited about coming to ACU this fall. I love thinking about the awesome experience that they will have here and the lifelong friendships they will make.


Here is my question of the day: Besides being a parent (if you are one), what has been your favorite job? Or, if you could work anywhere or do anything, what would you do?


Kate said...

I sometimes tell Brandon that when I grow up I want to be a photojournalist. How cool would it be to get to travel and take pictures and get paid for it?! Of course, that's only if the professional back-up dancer gig falls through!

Erica said...

In my fantasy world I would be an actress and get to work with Matthew McConaughey! Of course that would require me being a size 2 or 4 too...not gonna happen. I am sure God knows that would be too tempting of a job for me.

In reality I would love to be a nurse in L&D, own a small children's bookstore, or own a cute children's/gift boutique. Not that any of these will happen either, but they are a little more realistic.

Thanks for always giving me something to think about on Thursdays. Just let me know when you want to go to Super Suppers...I have wanted to go for over a year now. See ya later.

swatterson said...

Wow...if you're telling the truth...sounds like Sam Moon has a shady should always have to reenter your credit card info.

We have a place similar to Super Suppers called Supper Thyme. I LOVE it. So fun and a huge time-saver too.

My favorite job in the past was working at a coffee shop. It was so fun and relaxed. (It was just a small locally owned place...not Starbucks or something.) Too bad it didn't pay more. :( I only got to work there for a few months b/c I had to find a job more suited for a college graduate. :(

leslie said...

Sara - don't think I didn't call their customer service number like 5 times after that. Each time it just went straight to a voice mail. It is shady....

Shanta said...

Great thoughts Leslie,

Ken and I have more fun thinking about the jobs we'd NEVER do, like:
-any kiosk at any mall;
-professional painter;
-butcher, etc.

However, I used to think that I wanted to open up my own office supply/copy center. I have a love for all things organizational.

hejlyeah said...

I'd have my own business and work completely for myself. That's my dream job. Stinks making money for other people sometimes!

Or, there's always the Broadway star thing ...

Wendy said...

Leslie, we need to organize a Super Suppers private party for our class. I think you only have to have 12 people, and they'll do a private session for your group.

hollyfouts said...

Favorite job??? If I add up all of the jobs I have ever had since my very first job at the country club swimming pool when I was 15 I have worked a grand total of about 4 years....pretty sad. However, I'm sure that the # of different jobs I have had must be in the teens. (That's a whole blog in itself.) I'm sure if I thought long and hard I could think of something that I learned from each one. But mostly I have just learned that I am not cut out for the working world. I am so thankful to be a wife and a mommy. I can honestly say it is the ONLY job I have ever had that I really loved. I always worry about what I will do if one day I need to go to work. I still have no clue what I want to be when I grow up!

Becky Martin said...

I had totally forgotten about Sam Moon but maybe I won't check out the website if it's shady. Let me know how the order comes through.

One of my dream jobs would be working for Disney doing brand imaging for the Disney channel. I love all the creative ways they get their stars in the ads and on CD's and movies. If I was more adventuresome I'd actually give it a try!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl- good question today! My favorite job was working for Dr. McCaleb there at ACU.....he was the best and most caring boss ever. My dream job is to open a flower/gift store OR to start a closet organizing business... Shanta, when we retire to Nashville together, you and I can partner up on the organizing business venture.

Carolyn said...

I think my favorite "job" ever was a camp counselor at Palmetto Bible Camp in North Carolina. The camp is beautiful, and it's great to spend time with kids and talk about the Lord. Does this count as a job even though I didn't get paid?

Unknown said...

I am not sure about my favorite job; however, I do know from past experience that I HATE clothing retail especially around the holidays!

As far as a job I would love to do, I think it would be fun to own and operate a lunch type restaurant/bakery. I love making homemade desserts! If I had to go back and do college over again, I would major in English and try to become a book editor. For some crazy reason, I love to proofread!

Kristen OQ said...

I totally want to try Super Suppers are like the millionth person that raves about it.

As for dream job... my favorite job (besides being a mom) was probably the summer I was a camp counselor during college. Of course that could have been because the boy that I had loved and I started dating. And he had good abs in a swimming suit! ha

As for dream job...I have blogged about this before and I would LOVE LOVE to own a children's book store. Not a possibility in a Barnes and Noble age, but definitely a dream. A store just like the one in "You've Got Mail."

I enjoyed catching up on your blog. It is REALLY windy here too in OKC -- my hair is in not-so-good condition!

Amanda said...

We have a place like Super Suppers here and I LOVE it! I discovered it out of sheer desperation after Delaney was born and now I go every month:) We did a private party last month with girls from church and it was extra fun (and we got free dessert)!

I think I might run a bed and breakfast for a dream job. Only, I would hire someone else to clean. I would just make the breakfast:)

Ashley said...

Camp Counselor. I loved Kadesh and Learning to Lead at ACU.

Dream Job would really be to have a morning talk show. I have wanted one since I was little.