Thursday, December 01, 2005


This is how hard it is to get a 2 year old to actually look at the camera while trying to take Christmas card pictures.

Fortunately, our friend Hannah did a great job and we got some really cute ones too.


Unknown said...

Hillarious! That girl cracks me guys are a beautiful family.

Sara said...

Those pictures crack me up. It looks like it was quite a feat. Glad you got some good ones!

Katie said...

She's a handful! But I love how James is smiling and ready to go in every one! Y'all look great!

Amber Smith said...

I know what you mean!!! We have to get a digital camera that is faster! Ours takes about three secs to take a picture. By then, it is too late! We have about a dozen pictures of Major looking away or walking away for every one of him looking in the direction of the camera!!

Anonymous said...

The fourth one down is my fave!!! Y'all are all adorable!

hejlyeah said...

That's hilarious! Y'all are such a cute fam.

Jennifer K said...

Love the pics! You are gorgeous!

Shanta said...

Leslie- you are HOT! And I'm laughing b/c Ken and I JUST decided to wear the same outfit as you for our x-mas card and then I logged onto your blog.. Now I'll have to go with my special socks and swim cap outfit.

Unknown said...

So funny! Jackson gets his pictures taken tomorrow. It is always a toss-up how those kiddos will act for pics! These, however, are great! I love Kaitlyn already, and I haven't even met her!

Hollie Reese said...

That is too funny! That just shows how cute your girl is!!

Sam said...

I can certainly understand how that went. Just so you know, there is a trick to be played when you have two. Bailey loves taking pictures until about the third one (we take a lot of pictures because our kids are cuter than everyone else's) and then she starts looking away or not smiling. Emille and I have learned that if we start talking about how good Brylee is smiling and how cute Brylee is, the competitive streak in Bailey forces her to try and be cuter than her little sister. Shameless? Yes. Do parents who are trying to take pictures care about being shameless? No.

BY the way, Inanswer to your question about Abilene, we had not told you we were coming because we were going to cross half the country and get to within a few miles of you and just hope that Travis and Kelly might be there for us to hang out with. You, of course, understand.

We get in Thursday night and my brother graduates Friday. We will be there through Monday afternoon (we are doing family Christmas at my parents ranch Outside of Baird). Maybe we could all get together for coffee or something one evening. Shoot me an e-mail at and we can exchange phone numbers.

Amy said...

Those pics are great! Y'all look wonderful & Kaitlyn cracks me up!

stuckinthe80s said...

Wait 'til y'all have three....THEN try to get that picture taken!