Part 2 of my holiday posting. Another year bites the dust. Let's see what all has happened this year..... (in no particular order)
1. Made a huge move in jobs and cities! After 3 years in the DFW area, we moved further west to Abilene. One of the best decisions we have made, I think. (Hopefully James will agree)
3. Celebrated Kaitlyns 2nd birthday, right after we got to Abilene.
4. James started working for Sysco Foods and I am back at ACU working in Admissions.
5. I got to see my best friend get married at a beautiful wedding in Nashville, TN. (Also the first time I got to meet her husband, Ashley. Love him!!!)
6. James' 5 year college reunion. Got to see some WAY fun people. I'm so glad I married someone from that class... they are awesome.
7. 2 of my roommates from college had babies!! I'm so thankful for the weekend that we had to hang out together! You girls need to move back to Abilene!
8. James and I went through a miscarriage. I debated on whether or not to add this one in... but it was a big part of our year. It made us even more thankful for Kaitlyn (if that was possible) and more aware of what a miracle babies are!
9. I went to my first ever ZOE conference with one of my very dearest friends, Julie. This was an amazing spiritual experience. I can't wait to go back.
10. I watched/am watching the greatest TV show, Alias - come to an end. Horrible. I would be fine if it didn't even finish the season. I also gained a new favorite show, Gray's Anatomy.
Anyway... those are some of the highlights. James and I spent the New Year holiday in Lubbock with my family. We took in a few movies, ate lots of good food, enjoyed the weather (except for Sunday when the wind blew like 175 miles per hour), and took it some good basketball games. My high school girls bball team was playing in a tournament and they made it to the championship game, which they won! I'm glad James was supportive and went with me! Go Mustangs! My brother and I had got my parents a chiminea (sp?) for Christmas, so we enjoyed sitting by the fire at night. Kaitlyn really liked helping my dad throw the wood in, and we even roasted marshmallows. She wasn't too sure about the taste of those.
I'll end this post with a few of Kaitlyn's favorite things/things that she does right now:
1. She no longer has her paci!! I meant to write about this a long time ago, but never did. She's been without it for about a month and a half now. Yay!
2. She still comes in our bed every single night. I can't wait for the day that I wake up naturally and not to someone trying to poke my eyes out.
3. Her two favorite shows right now are Little Einsteins and Charlotte's Web.
4. She has only seen Little Mermaid once, but she likes to sing the "Ah, Ah, Ah's" while I dance around. And then I sing, and she dances. We're dorks.
5. Some of her favorite foods/drinks are: chicken nuggets, spaghetti, capri suns, apple juice, orange juice, m&m's, (really anything chocolate), pecans that we pick from our trees, green beans, corn, chicken nuggets, spaggettios, and did I say chicken nuggets? We have a real healthy eater.
6. She would wear her plastic, pink, Hello Kitty rainboots everyday if we would let her.
7. She is on the verge of being potty trained. She has stayed dry for very long periods of time, but we just can't seem to get it all together.
8. She has been saying "Don't be hateful" a LOT. This really bothers us, but we figure if we ignore it, maybe she'll just stop?
9. She can say the Lord's prayer. So sweet.
10. She is so smart, beautiful, a little messy a lot of the time, funny, observant, greatest gift I have ever been given.
Okay, enough of this long, long post.
On to 2006!!!!