Monday, January 16, 2006


Thank you to everyone who posted advice on the sleep issue. Let me just tell you... since the day I posted this -the technique I tried has worked better and better each night. And last night, our sweet Kaitlyn fell asleep completely on her own and slept in her own bed until we woke her up at 7:15 this morning!!!

So, I went with the Nanny 911/Shanta technique. We went through our nightly ritual of reading 2 books, maybe sing a song or two, say our prayers, kiss goodnight. Then I just sat my bootie on the floor and stared at it for what seemed like FOREVER - and slowly inched my way to the door. The first night it took her about an hour and a half to fall asleep. The second night, she was asleep in about 20 minutes. Night three she regressed a little bit, taking about 45 minutes - but then last night was perfect!! I hope I am not jinxing anything by writing about it. I seriously did not think this technique would work. I was sure that she would hop right out of bed and start playing, or she would talk to me or something. But it has been great. I will also add that I took her to Walmart so that she could pick out a fun night light. I thought that may help. She chose a Dora and a Strawberry Shortcake one. So, which ever side her head is turned she can see a friendly face!! Whatever works, right?


We had a fun weekend. My parents came down on Saturday from Lubbock. Dad helped James replace a CV joint? Something on "Silvia" (the Honda). I was really impressed with James's ability to replace this certain thing. It was huge! Kaitlyn, mom and I had fun and just hung out. We ate fast food all weekend and just enjoyed each other's company.


I was SO disappointed to see my boyfriend Peyton Manning lose on Sunday! What an exciting ending though! We have some friends that are HUGE Steelers fans (what?!).. they came over on Sunday night sporting their black and gold. Whatever.


I really want (not a need, just something I would like) a new, fairly inexpensive digital camera that takes awesome pictures. Any suggestions? Kristen OQ... what kind do you have? The pics on your blog are always so good and clear!


We desperately need rain! Everything is so dry in so many parts of TX/OK and other states right now. I'm so tired of hearing about fires every where! Pray for rain people!


Gray's Anatomy last night? Loved it. Did anyone watch The Office last Thursday about "The Injury?" That was the funniest episode of anything I have seen in a long time. Golden Globes are on tonight - I LOVE award shows.


I have a really awesome boss. There was a few of us that had to work on this day of celebrating MLK. He just came in and said I could leave whenever, but still put a full 8 hours on my time sheet. And I can use this day as another paid day off whenever I want. YAY! Now I can go to Body Step and Pump! This is turning out to be a good Monday..... Have a good day!


Alyssa said...

I am SO glad that Kaitlyn is doing so well! I know that makes her mommy and daddy so happy too! Dude, i LOVED the office last week. I could not stop laughing- it is the funniest show on television in my opinion.

Erica said...

Way to go with Kaitlyn's sleeping! I am so proud of you!
Grey's Anatomy was great last night. It seems to get better with every episode.
We have a Cannon Power Shot digital camera that we are happy with for everyday pictures. It meets our needs and takes good pictures.
Maybe we can chat later this week.

Kristen OQ said...

We have a Cannon Power shot too -- we got that one when Sam was born. It is small, compact, and great for throwing in our pocket/diaper bag when we are out.

My parent's sold some land this fall and we used some money they gave us to buy a new camera that we love -- it takes pictures SO fast (no delay) and is great quality, although it comes with an expensive price. It is a Nikon D50 -- a big camera, but some of the best money we have spent in a long time. Kevin calls it my 3rd appendage now!

Kristen OQ said...

And I didn't even mention that Grey's Anatomy last night was completely awesome -- we LOVE that show. If I could get all the couples I want together, back together, I would love it even more!

And good for you, James, and Kaitlyn on the sleeping issues -- sounds like you handled it like the parenting pro you guys are!

Amber Smith said...

I'm so glad that you are getting some sleep now!!!

We just got a Nikon D50 (Kristen's camera) for Christmas, so as soon as I can figure out how to post those pictures, you'll be seeing some great pics from us too!

hejlyeah said...

Go Kaitlyn! Tell her that her "brother" says way to go! Um, The Office was SO hilarious the other night. I almost died laughing.

We have a Canon Digital Elph and LOVE it. It's really small, I take it everywhere, and it takes great photos.

Sam said...

I am trying to not have my feelings hurt that you went with Shanta's advice over mine.

I do not watch the Office, it is not as funny to watch it at home when I have to go to work there everyday.

Hollie Reese said...

We LOVE the Office! At first Justin watched it and then converted me!!! You are one of the only people we know who watches it. It is so funny! We watched this last episode twice!!!

YEAH KAITLYN!! I found something that works for Riley...Benadryl (go ahead and call CPS on me!)

Unknown said...

Congrats on the Kaitlyn sleeping news! That is awesome for all parties involved! Travis LOVES Dwight from The Office- you must read his blog on Michael from The Office drives me CRAZY- what a jerk! I know he's acting, but still......and we are now officially addicted to 24- good grief, that show is good.

Ashley said...

I laughed the hardest ever at the Office. You know I love Grey's Anatomy. Sunday's was excellent.

Meredith did look horrible at the globes! WHAT WAS THAT? Her hair was trashy!]

Dr. McDreamy was HOT at the globes though. SO hot.

Becky Martin said...

I'm glad that you're getting sleep again. Good job on being tough! I've always like those nanny shows, it's nice to know that the ideas work in the real world.

My brother got the British version of the Office on DVD last week and it's really good too. I like the US version better but it's all very similar - different enough from what's on TV to make it refreshing!