Tuesday, January 24, 2006

An Email from a 2 year old... with her Daddy's help

Dear Mommy,

I love you, and playful. I gonna write mommy a book. I’m gonna make mommy an e-mail. I want to do something else on your computer. Hey, I want to do something else . I love you. I don’t want to tell a lot of things.

Miss you, have good day at work.

(this was what Kaitlyn would have typed if she could, instead I just typed what she said. She did type the subject line)


Erica said...

Good job Kaitlyn! You are such a sweet girl and I know you made your Mommt's day.

Erica said...

That would be Mommy's day....glad I am not helping you type.

Sam said...

I agree with James that your blog includes a lot of mundane details and daily minutia that is, well... boring, but that is not what concerns me. What concerns me is what is says about my life that I check your blog hourly for updates.

James M. said...

Just for the record there was a mix up in communication about my feelings about the blog.

I too check this thing about 15x a day looking for changes. Mostly the comments make me laugh or think.

Sam's defintely make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

well isn't she just a little precious face! wes, i've been practicing helicopter at home. only a few hours until i grace you with my presence at work... ok byeeee

Kristen OQ said...

That was really cute.

Isn't it weird to think that our kids will never know life without email? I remember my first email account was at Harding and I had no one to email with except my other friends at Harding who had it too!

A sign of the times...