Friday, July 08, 2005

My letter to Kaitlyn

I wrote this letter to Kaitlyn the other day. I think about her so much, now that I am at work everyday. I just thought I would share it with whoever stumbles upon this blog. Maybe you can get a glimpse of what a special girl that she is.

My sweet girl,

I am writing this to tell you, at two years old, what a true blessing you are to me. I hope these words will encourage you as you may re-read them at different times in your life.
I am so blessed that God gave you to Daddy and me. So many of our prayers that started before you were born have already been answered. You are a healthy, beautiful, smart, funny girl, Kaitlyn. We have prayed that from a young age you would be close with the Lord – and you are. Listening to you sing Jesus Loves Me, I’m in the Lord’s Army, Pat the Bible, and so many others, bring smiles to our hearts. You make sure that before we eat a meal together we hold hands to pray. We continue to pray that you know you can always speak to your Heavenly Father.
We are so proud of you – and are amazed and how much you have learned in your first two years. You can say the ABC’s (and their phonetic sounds!), count to 20, and your vocabulary is amazing! You have a great personality and an awesome sense of humor. You keep Daddy and me laughing! We are in awe that you are ours.
I am so excited to see all that God has in His great plans for you. I can already tell that you are a very independent, ambitious little girl. I know God will bless your journey through life.
Another prayer that Daddy and I have for you is that you have good Christian friends. You are making new friends at Rainbow Bible School. I am thankful for Scott, Canyon, and Leighton, even though I don’t really know them. You mention them throughout your day, and I am thankful that they are in your life. You seem to enjoy spending your days there, though I desperately wish that I could spend all day with you!
I am so thankful for the relationship you have with your Daddy. It is so much fun to watch the two of you play together. You really savor the times when it’s just the two of you. One of your favorite things to do is snuggle up with him on the couch to watch a video. Daddy and I will always be here for you Kaitlyn, no matter where you are in your life.
Kaitlyn, you are growing into such a tall, beautiful, strong girl. The way you light up the room from the first good morning to the last kiss and tuck is unique only to you. You have to make sure we both rub your back before you fall asleep. We love your curly hair, your bright smile, your laugh and the things that you say. We are honored to be your parents.
We pray for you everyday. Sometimes when you are fast asleep in your bed, I go in and pray over you. I pray that God will always keep you healthy and safe. I pray that you know how much you are loved by so many. None more than your heavenly Father. The Lord looks at you and He is delighted! He made you because he wanted a relationship with Kaitlyn Anne Mayo. He is well pleased with you, not because of anything you have done, but just because you ARE.
Daddy and I feel the same way, and are so incredibly happy to be able to put our arms around you and hug you each and every day. We love you more than you will ever know.

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