Friday, July 29, 2005

Time to Break Down....

Well, I have officially gone 2 months without a microwave. I know....I may as well be living in a cave. It hasn't been all that difficult, but I am really wanting to get one now. I am tired of heating up spagettios and other random things on the stove. It just takes too long. I mean, 5 minutes is soooo much longer than the typical 30 seconds. And what about left overs? What is the point of having left overs if you have to pre-heat the oven? But it's probably time to break down and get one.

But now that I have gone this long without one (I can't believe I'm saying this) it is hard to think of a microwave as a necessity. Don't get me wrong, I will probably go buy one this weekend. But it kind of puts things in perspective for me. We would probably survive without one. We are even thinking about selling my Honda. We hardly ever drive it. I walk to work, and can walk Kaitlyn to school as well. We didn't reconnect our satellite. We only have one cell phone. We don't have call waiting or caller ID, and we just now hooked up our answering machine. It's kind of fun to live on only what is necessary. Well....maybe not fun. But neat to say that we tried it!!


Anonymous said...

Unsolicited advice: Don't sell the Honda!

Kristen OQ said...

I went for a week without one earlier this summer...see blog on June 6. It was such a nightmare trying to heat Seth's bottle up in, especially since he was still getting up at during that time. You are right though on things that we think are necessities that are really just luxuries. When my microwave was out, my mom replied to me, "how do you think I raised you and your brother? We had no microwave then!" I guess it is all about what you get used to. Have a great weekend!

hollyfouts said...

Take your "new microwave money" and go out to dinner this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Don't sell the Honda.

hejlyeah said...

Awww ... Sylvia! Don't sell her! Too many memories of hitting orange barrels and curbs on Judge Ely. And, Matt Brewington hitting you in the ATM line.