Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A to Z About Me

I saw this on a friends blog (thanks Kristin!) Thought I would add my totally exciting information!

A is for age: Just turned 26

B is for booze: Chicken Express sweet tea. Yummy!

C is for career: daytime: admissions at Abilene Christian / night-time: mom

D is for dad's name: Tom

E is for essential item to bring to a party: my camera

F is for favorite song at the moment: anything by ZOE

G is for goof off thing to do: you're reading it!

H is for hometown: Born in Ft. Worth

I is for instrument you play: played the flute in 7th grade. yes...i was first chair. yes...i am a nerd.

J is for jam or jelly you like: plum

K is for kids: Kaitlyn (or Cake-a-lyn as she likes to say)

L is for living arrangements: currently renting a house in Abilene

M is for mom's name: Alicia

N is for name of good friend: shout out goes to Mere Speck, L-house girls, Prestoncrest girls, Highland girls..

O is for overnight stays at the hospital you have spent: 1 (with Kaitlyn)

P is for phobias: I have had a fear of E.T. ever since I saw the movie when I was 5. I don't like hearing or saying any word that has the sound "oi" in it. Ex: moist, hoist, etc. Yikes. Can't believe I even typed them.

Q is for quotes: "Ohhh, I'm shaking in my bright yellow shirt!" (From a commercial w/ David Spade), or any of the Sonic commercials

R is for longest relationship: I have lots of girl friends from Lubbock that I have known since I was 5 and still keep in touch with. Susan, Amanda, Rachel...

S is for siblings: one younger brother, Neil. Will graduate from ACU in August.

T is for Texas: where we live now -- where I have lived my entire life, and probably always will.

U is for unique traits: I have traveled to seven different countries in southeast Asia: Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Phillipines, and Indonesia

V is for vegetables you love: corn, okra, Spring Creek bbque green beans

W is for worst trait: biting my fingernails

X is for xrays you have had: just my feet and my teeth!

Y is for yummy food: potato casserolle, chips and hot sauce, Rosa's, brownies, anything my mom makes

Z is for zodiac sign: Cancer

1 comment:

hejlyeah said...

Thanks for the shout out dawg.