Tuesday, November 08, 2005

What's going on..

I did it again. Body Pump, that is. And this time - James did it with me!! He did awesome! He didn't quit near as many times as I did the first time. It was really fun, actually. One of the instructors is a good friend of mine, and there were 5 or 6 others from our class at church that were doing it. We were all on the backrow together. (Except for over achiever Kate who was a few rows up.)
It was really fun working out with James! Kaitlyn enjoyed the play area outside where she got to play with her friends Emma and London while Mommy and Daddy "eshersized."
I'm not even that sore this morning! James on the other hand knows how bad I hurt last week.

After working out we went home and ate a yummy meal of pork chops, mashed potatoes, corn and biscuits. Man were we hungry!!

James went and played poker last night at 10:00!! Yes - they didn't start until 10:00 in the PM. No thanks. He didn't get home until 1:30. Man is he gonna be feeling that today. I forgot to ask him if he won any money.....

Poor Kaitlyn is not feeling well. Her voice has been really hoarse and raspy the past few days, but her cough this morning was horrible. She has a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Hopefully we'll get some good antibiotics and kick this cold in the bootie.

I'm going to a luncheon today where the featured speaker is Pat Summerall. Not that I'm a huge fan or anything - but it's something different and fun to do. We can even get our picture taken with him - and an autographed photo. Too exciting. I can't even contain myself. Right. Anyway... it's a free lunch - and I guess he's somewhat of a celebrity, so I'm excited.

Happy Tuesday!


Kate said...

Let me just add that if I was not late and if there were any spots left on the back, I would've been right there with ya! You need to join and you need to try the Body Flow class...very relaxing!

MereMoore said...

my pilates doesn't sound so exciting-wish you had a video of james.

hollyfouts said...

I can just picture you and James in class together. Lane worked out with me ONCE. He did the precor stairs next to me. He literally went about 90 miles per hour for less than 3 minutes. And then he just paced around me the rest of the time asking if I was ready to leave.

Amber Smith said...

WHAT? I could NEVER get Josh to work out with me! I have a funny mental picture of James working out. Was he wearing those tall socks he used to wear to PC softball?

Erica said...

Maybe I will have to join you in class when we move. I am afraid I would have to stop and rest several times. I would never let Cary go with me. Glad you had fun! See you in Abilene soon.