Monday, August 15, 2005

Mr. Mayo Addicted

My wife writes on this blog about once a day. I love to read it because she can say things in a more polite way than I can.

By the way, Kelly Speck, Thank you for the card! It made my week.

I must look at this web site about 3 times a day and gete somewhat upset if I see no movement on it. Sure I could do something proactive and write on it but I don't enjoy reading what I write. I like to read someone else's interpretation of what happened.

For instance: Kaitlyn's trip to Lubbock

You read her post about all the funny things Kaitlyn said, my story would have had how many times she said each of those cute sayings in a row.

Kaitlyn this morning got off to school ok, but I am begining to feel that she acts different when different people take her to school. Leslie talks about how Kaitlyn will go and put her little person in the slot it needs to go in that marks she is present. I would write about how I have to peel her off my leg to leave.

Leslie brings up cookies or somethings for the teachers on Friday's, I make sure that I don't talk to anyone unless its about Kaitlyn and why for the third time this week she has a black mark on her forehead.

I guess its just how you see things.

All is great in Abilene because it has rained for 3 days straight and the grass is growing.

Brad is supposed to send me a link for fantasy football and I have not recieved it.

Good Night Dear Diary


leslie said...

I like reading what you write! I love your point of view on things. I'm glad you added a post today. That was a nice surprise. I would also like to shout out a public apology to you for being short with you on the phone earlier. It's just been a long day and I'm ready to go home.
I love you.

hejlyeah said...

Aww ... throw up noise coming from Austin. So sweet to each other.

swatterson said...

throw up noise coming for OKC too! haha
Leslie, your man is pretty funny. Good blog. :) I like the man vs. woman point of view!