Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My good friend Jennifer..

Well, my good friend Jennifer Garner totally did something I would do. I thought I would share this news. By the way, the season premiere of Alias is tomorrow night. Watch it or pray for forgivness.

Mommy-to-be Jennifer Garner isn't being quite as secretive about her baby's alias as she originally intended.

On Tuesday's Tonight Show, while telling Jay Leno about her and hubby Ben Affleck's impending arrival, Garner revealed in a highly noticeable slip that the baby is a "she."

"You can just start to feel really pregnant, like you are the hugest person on the face of the planet. ... I felt bigger and bigger like she ..."

Garner then quickly (and conscientiously) covered her mouth with her hands, and the crowd cheered.

She then paused, regained her composure, and took a sip of water. "Anyway …," she said. The actress and Leno then picked up their conversation.

She's awesome!


Kristen OQ said...

She was on the Ellen show today too and said it was a girl. When is she due? I am glad that a celebrity had a slip-up!

leslie said...

I heard that she did that on Ellen. I have it Tivoed and will for sure watch that tonight.
I love that girl! (Ellen and Jennifer!)

MereMoore said...

I was freaking out-if you have it recorded go back and watch it because she actually slipped up even before that...she was talking about the nursery with Jay and bantering back and forth with him and she actually said.."Yeah, I am girly-ing it all up!" I watched and would rewind it 3 or 4 times and I know that is what she said!! I LOVE that picture of her!